Commemorative Bricks still available. Contact the parish office to get a Brick.
Commemorative Bricks still available. Contact the parish office to get a Brick.
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Opportunities to Serve in our Parish
Hispanic Apostolic Ministry, Sons of St. Anne, St. Anne’s Rosary Society, Garwood Knights of Columbus- Council #5437, Prayer Shawl Group, Garden Club, Music Ministry, 5 Loaves Pantry,m Prayer Network Ministry
Click here to download a Ministry Volunteer Application form.
New members are always welcome. If you are interested to join, please reach out to our email:
The Church of Saint Anne in Garwood, will be offering a Spanish Mass and Spanish Bible study. The masses will start in December, on the second and fourth Saturday of the month at 5:30PM. We will have Spanish Bible study the first and third Sunday of the month starting at 2PM. These services are being offered after contacting numerous parishes and determining a potential need within our community. The Newark Archdiocese is aware of our efforts and may endorse it to a weekly event.
Click Hispanic Apostolate Facebook button below for latest updates:
Come join our youth group! We meet monthly at 6 PM in the Bethlehem Room. We'd love to see you at our next meetings on February 22nd and March 22nd. All youth in grades 7-12 are welcome.
New members are always welcome. If you are interested to join, reach out to the office.
Do you have a special prayer intention? Our parish has a group of people willing to pray for you. If you like to be included in their weekly prayers, please send an email or call the parish office.
Saint Anne Rosary Society provides a great opportunity to form spiritual friendships and fellowship for women seeking to help the Church and to serve others.
The Rosary Society meets the 2nd Thursday of the month September thru May.
Please feel free to contact one of the following:
President: Christine Guerriero
Vice President: Lina Delmonaco
Secretary: Lina Delmonaco
Treasurer: Ruth Becht
Garwood Knights of Columbus, council#5437
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Fraternal Family organization. We consist of men from Garwood and surrounding towns with common values that are defenders of the faith.
Any interested in joining please contact us or come to our meetings.
Meetings are second Wednesday of the Month at 8:00pm
Columbian Club
37-43 South Avenue
Garwood, NJ 07027
Call us, stop by or talk to a member anytime.
Please visit our facebook page to learn more:
The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the second Monday of each month in the rectory meeting room. Come Knit with Us!
Saint Anne's Garden Club beautifies and maintains the flowers and plantings on the outside Church grounds. Please contact the rectory if you would like to help.
There is a collection bin near the statue of St. Anne in church and at the Garwood Police Dept. You can also drop off donations at the parish office. If you know a family who can be helped by our pantry, there are forms available at the parish office or they can email to coordinate a pickup or delivery. Volunteers are needed to help organize the pantry. Please call the office to schedule.
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