Baptisms are arranged by appointment with the Pastor and to schedule a
Baptism Preparation Class. Please call the Parish Office 908-789-0280.
Parents are the first & best teachers of their children in Faith.
Arrangements must be made with the Pastor to ensure there is adequate preparation time.
Those who recognize the call to Religious life, the Priesthood, or the order of deacon are invited to contact the Pastor.
Saturdays: 2:30 PM
Religious Education classes for children are conducted on Sunday mornings (twice a month).
The program is re-starting in the Fall.
Information on how to register is now available in the Church and on our website.
If your child has completed Faith Formation One, they will be able to begin preparation for
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
Classes are held on Sunday during regular Religious Education classes.
Please note that the Sacrament of Communion requires a two year sacramental prep as
outlined by the Archdiocese of Newark.
If you have any questions please Contact ourYouth Faith Formation Coordinator, Evelyn Archibald.
Call the Church office or e-mail her at
Confirmation preparation begins in the Fall of 7 th grade and concludes with the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Spring of the 8 th grade. (Students in High School not yet Confirmed can also register.)
Please note that the Sacrament of Confirmation requires a two year sacramental prep as
outlined by the Archdiocese of Newark.
If you have any questions please Contact our Youth Faith Formation Coordinator, Evelyn
Archibald at 908-494-0774 or e-mail her at
The sacrament is available to those unable to come to Church due to sickness, age, or incapacity. Please call the Rectory to make arrangements. Emergencies anytime.
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